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第133届广交会 | 尊龙ag旗舰厅登录光柴储微电网综合能源系统首次亮相!
宣布时间:2023-04-17 宣布者:

The 133rd China Import and Export Fair, "the largest in history," opened on April 15. The exhibition area reached 1.5 million square meters, with 34,000 exhibitors, both record highs.

4月15日上午,“史上规模最大”的广交会盛大开幕 。本届广交会是133届中国进出口商品交易会,也是疫情3年后的全面重启,展览面积150万平方米,参展企业3.4万家,均创历史新高 。

In this Canton Fair, Wanon debuted the Micro- grid System with its own brand control system(CMS), and for the first time in the industry to bring machines to the exhibition. On the first day of the exhibition, many home and abroad manufacturers were attracted to watch and understand the product performance in detail. Many customers have begun to negotiate with us for cooperation. Among them, many customers have had in-depth exchanges on technical solutions and cooperation mode of micro-grid projects.

在本届广交会上,广州尊龙ag旗舰厅登录首创推出具有自主品牌控制系统(CMS)的光柴储微电网综合能源系统,并在行业内首次带实物展机现场展示,开展第一天就吸引海内外众多厂商驻足寓目,详细了解产品性能,许多客户已开始和我们进行洽谈相助 。其中,已有多个客户就微电网项目的技术计划和相助方法进行深入交流 。

In the field of micro-grid technology, our micro-grids can provide more cost-effective power sources for on-grid and off-grid areas as well as commercial or industrial facilities. By combining PV modules and energy storage solutions with the grid or generator units, we can customize energy systems based on clients’ needs. Micro-grid is mainly composed of main control systems, bi-directional inverters, power grid stabilization modules, peak load regulation and expansion modules, PV modules, etc. Through energy integration, energy flow can be optimized to provide energy at the lowest total cost. In addition, off-grid and on-grid can be seamlessly switched within 30ms. With the overload capacity of 1.5 times the rated one, the system supports the following operation modes: on-grid, off-grid and isolated, and can achieve high quality power output under high transient load by regulating the frequency and the voltage.

公司微电网综合能源系统可以为并网和离网区域以及商业或工业设施提供具有本钱效益更优的电力能源解决计划 。通过将光伏太阳能模组和储能解决计划与公共电网或发电机组相结合,可以依照客户需求而定制化设计能源系统 。整个系统主要包括主控制系统、双向逆变设备、电网稳定(PGS)?椤⒛芰康鞣逵肜┤菽?椤⒐夥W榈茸槌 。通过能量整合,实现能源优化流动,从而能以最低的总本钱提供能源 。同时,可实现离网与并网在30MS内无缝切换,系统支持电网、跟网以及孤岛模式运行,过载能力抵达1.5倍,系统通过对频率和电压的控制,能在高瞬态负载下实现高电力质量输出 。

We always adhere to the development concept of "smart energy, green energy", and aim to build an international famous brand in the field of commercial energy storage and micro-grid. Keeping pace with the times and making constant innovation, we are dedicated to providing clients with reliable power solutions and the world with low-cost green electricity.

尊龙ag旗舰厅登录始终坚持“绿色能源”的生长理念,以打造在商业储能及微电网领域国际知名品牌为目标,与时俱进、不绝立异,竭诚为客户提供可靠的电力解决计划,为客户提供低本钱绿色电力 。

Facing the rapid development of the micro-grid system, as well as trillions of market space at home and abroad, we will continue to deepen our technological leadership in the field of PV + ESS + Diesel Genset. By relying on our channels and user resources and through in-depth cooperation with the supply chain, we will achieve a perfect transition from traditional energy to commercial energy storage.

面对风、光、储、柴飞速生长的大好机缘,面对海内外数以万亿市场空间,尊龙ag旗舰厅登录公司将继续深入在光伏+储能电池+柴油这一领域的技术领先优势,依托公司的渠道和用户资源,通过与供应链深入相助,实现公司由古板能源向商业储能领域的完美转型 。



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